CineSend for...

Publicity & awards

Share high-value feature film and TV content for awards consideration and publicity.


Send screeners to individuals by e-mail with customizable mail templates.


Generate unique links for screeners and share them however you choose.

PIN codes

Supports PIN codes for easy and anonymized access by guild members.

An elevated viewing experience

Provide a premium screening experience with a customizable interface and flexible branding options. Offer high-quality video streaming across all devices, making it easy for viewers to watch on any platform—streaming apps, desktop, or mobile.

Stylish and modern viewing interface

Easy-to-use for viewers - no complicated authentication

High-quality video on any device

Extremely secure

Protect your content with industry-leading security measures, including DRM and watermarking. With strict playback controls and third-party security auditing, your screeners remain safe and protected from unauthorized access.

DRM protection with forensic and visible watermarking

Strict playback controls to prevent re-sharing

Independently audited, TPN Gold certified

Flexible and powerful

Screen your content the way it was meant to be seen. 4K support, subtitles, closed captioning, and more. Customize the design of the screeners page to suit your campaign.

4K, subtitles, closed captioning, and audio descriptions

Customizable metadata display

IBM Aspera content ingest

Insightful analytics

Monitor the overall performance of your campaigns using aggregated data, or drill-down to analyze individual user activity with heat maps.

Personalized watermarks

Send your screeners with personalized user-specific overlay watermarks (PiracyDetector) and/or forensic watermarks (Nagra NexGuard).

Studio grade DRM cinesend icon

CineSend screeners are multi-DRM enabled, preventing users across all platforms from downloading and redistributing your content.

Custom expiration rules icon
Custom expiration rules

Set screeners to expire at a specific time, after a number of views, if it is accessed from more than one location, or based on other configurable options.

TV Apps

Screener apps are available for Apple TV, Roku, FireTV, and Android TV. Custom white-label apps are also available to maintain your brand affinity.

Stunning presentation quality

With adaptive bitrate, and customizable bitrate ladders, CineSend delivers the best possible streaming quality for each user's device.

Elevate your campaigning efforts with the best screener platform

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Trusted by over 100 industry leaders

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