The ultimate secure video platform to deliver creative, engaging, and memorable streaming experiences.
Design every page exactly the way you want, down to the pixel. Easy to get started with logos, fonts, and colors, advanced tools for designers and developers to get into the weeds injecting custom CSS and HTML.
Add your logo to make pages your own.
Choose ready fonts or use your own!
Go crazy if you want
Resize key elements of your site
Control styles of literally anything
Add whatever you wish with the help of your devs
Showcasing just one asset or live event? Build access-controlled landing pages and invite users to join with unique access codes or login accounts.
Mix & match VOD and livestreams
Ticket access
Login and password access
Sort a library of content into categories, so users can browse, watch trailers and create personalized “watch later” lists.
Paid memberships & subscriptions
Trailers and advertisements
Categories and “Watch later” lists
CineSend is trusted by every MPA member studio for good reason. Widevine, PlayReady, and FairPlay DRM technology make video impossible to download, and watermarking technology makes it possible to trace piracy back to the source.
Monitor the overall performance of your online screeners using aggregated charts, or drill-down to analyze an individual reviewer's activity using heat maps.
Send your screeners using PiracyDetector™, an "active" watermarking technology that monitors the integrity of the mark and prevents unauthorized removal.
CineSend screeners are multi-DRM enabled, preventing users across all platforms from downloading and redistributing your content.
Specify an expiry date when you send a screener. If your reviewer needs more time, they can request an extension for you to approve or deny. You can also revoke links at any time
Send screeners to a reviewer directly by email, or create URLs that you can paste into festival submission platforms or deliver to third parties.
With adaptive bitrate, CineSend delivers the best possible streaming quality to your reviewers without the risk of excessive buffering, on any kind of device.
Sell subscription plans, rentals, vouchers or time-specific tickets.
Recurring subscriptions
Ticketed Events
Upsell & Downsell
Prefer to use your own external system? No problem. Connect third-party subscription, e-commerce, or ticketing solutions to sell access your way.
Direct integrations
Zapier connections
API & Webhooks
Give your users the flexibility to watch on their device of choice, with native smart TV apps that provide a consistent experience across all platforms and device.
Track user-specific viewing data, so you can establish who’s watch what.
Advanced reporting tools allow you to export data in the form most useful to you, so you can measure success against your goals and objectives.